Love the Most Important Being in Your Life!

When we LOVE we have the capacity of moving mountains. When I speak of Love, I know that immediately some of you are saying to yourself, LeeZa, but I am not with anyone right now. I have counseled many after a break up. It is difficult to see the forest for the trees when someone has hurt you in some way. I know from experience what it is like to be taken advantage of. It can hurt our ego and pride and sometimes our pocketbooks as well. We may see it as time wasted.  Well, there is never time that is wasted when you Love. The lessons we learn from Love lost are always opportunities for positive growth.  When you lose the Love of a partner, remember that you do not have to go far to find Love. Let’s not forget the other person’s in our lives, like our parents, aunts and uncles, children and grandchildren, nieces and nephews, friends, pastors and co-workers.  There is also the Love of music, animals and nature. 

But the closest Love is the Love of self, the I AM connection to the one God source we are that my friend Michael Mirdad calls the Christ Consciousness.  

So you are never far from Love.  I think that at times we feel separated from this grand feeling because perhaps we do not Love ourselves.  If you do not Love yourself then you will never be worthy of Love.  

Do not spend a lifetime without loving the most important being in your life…. YOU!

Have a day blessed with LOVE!
LeeZa Donatella
My Books are available on Amazon 

Links of items I enjoy, that you may find useful 
Berkey Water Filter  The only filter I've found that removes fluoride from drinking water. We filter fluoride from our drinking water to decalcify our pineal gland to increase our spiritual awareness. (article on the Pineal Gland)
Spiritual Guide Incense I love this incense that gets me into the zone. 
Other authors books that have helped me on my journey.
The Four Agreements by don Miguel Ruiz
The Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield
The Essential Rumi  by Jalal al-Din Rumi

Leeza Donatella is an author, speaker and teacher