The Pineal Gland and Spiritual Awakening

Today's post is about the relationship of the pineal gland and spiritual awakening. 

For those of you who have never heard of the pineal gland, it's the tiny gland, shaped like a pine cone located in the center of the brain producing the melatonin derivative, serotonin, that feel good hormone.

What's so special about this gland?
Many like me believe that the pineal gland is actually what's called the third eye. From experience I can share that when the third eye is activated we connect with what some describe as the all that is, universal consciousness. When we do, the universe is our oyster.

Okay, an example: Let's say that you want to watch Shameless on Showtime, but right now your grand father is watching Fox News. Think of the pineal gland as the remote. Until you actually tune into the correct channel (or frequency) you're going to be stuck listening to Tucker Carlson. Yes, I know, the thought of that turns my stomach as well.   

I make light in this example, but the connection gained when awakened to this higher frequency is something that is unrivaled. It's euphoric, blissful and peaceful.  How would you like to experience that without the aid of psychedelics? Pretty awesome, right?

Want to know something even more amazing? 
Once you're tuned in, you can do some pretty out of this world sort of things, like instantaneously manifest through thought, vastly increase your knowing and connection to universal knowledge and more supernatural things that most would not believe.

Is my Pineal Gland working?
Good question! If you've found this article then you're ready to hear the truth. Most people's pineal gland is calcified or atrophied. Don't feel bad. This is not all your fault. There has been a push to add fluoride to water sources for decades. Studies show that there may not help prevent cavities (Newsweek article). So why is it added to over 75% of the water we use to drink and bathe in?  The fluoride in water calcifies the pineal gland, rendering it useless. The question to ask yourself is why powerful decision makers would want to limit your development to connection to universal consciousness. 

Ways to Open the Pineal Gland
There are several ways that you can make small changes to help reverse the process:

  1. Remove Sodium Fluoride from your life -  Sodium fluoride calcifies the pineal gland. It's in toothpaste, mouthwash and especially our drinking water. The best thing you can do is drink water that filters out fluoride. Unfortunately most municipalities add fluoride to tap water.  The only filter I have found that removes fluoride from drinking water is from a company called Berkey. since the Pur, Brita and R/O water filters found in our local Walmart and Home Depot do not filter out fluoride.
  2. Meditation - Just the act of becoming still and quiet is a good step to connecting to the pineal gland and stirring your third eye.
  3. Chi Movement and Yoga - Forms of working with your energy and meridians awakens your inner energy and has a postiive effect on increasing your frequency.
  4. Spend more time in darkness - Your body produces more melatonin when it's dark, so try to limit the light in the evening, Substitute candles for your evening light and enjoy the blissful feeling. 
  5. Spend more time in Nature - Awaken your connection by becoming more connected to nature.
  6. Turn off your electronics - Disconnect from your TV and Facebook everyday.

I hope this article assists you in your journey.
LeeZa Donatella

Links of items I enjoy, that you may find useful 
Berkey Water Filter  The only filter I've found that removes fluoride from drinking water. We filter fluoride from our drinking water to decalcify our pineal gland to connect to increase our spiritual awareness. 
Spiritual Guide Incense I love this incense that gets me into the zone. 
My Books Available on Amazon

Other authors books that have helped me on my journey.
The Four Agreements by don Miguel Ruiz
The Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield
The Essential Rumi  by Jalal al-Din Rumi

Leeza Donatella is an author, speaker and teacher