Christmas this year has come faster for most of us than usual. Seems like only yesterday that we were enjoying those lazy hot summer weekends. And yet, here it is that time again, where families and friends gather to celebrate the season. In these season of celebration, remember the 3 G's and be an example of that spirit:
Take time to give from the heart by random acts of kindness toward those less fortunate.
Be good to those around you with words filled with love. And be good to yourself as you change that inner voice to only positive messages.
Be grateful for all that you have and where you are in your life, right now. Remember to be grateful for the time spent with those you love for it is more important than what is under the tree with your name on it.
Wishing you a holiday season overflowing with love,
LeeZa Donatella
My Books available on Amazon
Here are some links to items I enjoy, that you may find useful
Berkey Water Filter The only filter I've found that removes fluoride from drinking water. We filter fluoride from our drinking water to decalcify our pineal gland to connect to increase our spiritual awareness. (article on the Pineal Gland)
Spiritual Guide Incense I love this incense that gets me into the zone.
Other authors books that have helped me on my journey.
The Four Agreements by don Miguel Ruiz
The Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield
The Essential Rumi by Jalal al-Din Rumi
Carlos Castaneda's books
Leeza Donatella is an author, speaker and teacher