You are Perfect Now

Something I hear all the time is: When I get x job, x amount of money, more muscular, that new hair style, car, lose 15 pounds, I will DO this and that or be this or that. I could go on and on, but I think you get the idea.

Sweetheart, if you are going to wait to live your life until tomorrow, let me tell you this: tomorrow never comes. You have to be content and satisfied with where you are right now. And when you are then each new day you will get a little closer to your brand of perfection. The funny thing is that once you find your inner love and are okay with where you are at right now, well, you realize that you are perfect. And when you realize that you are perfect then you are worthy of, well everything.

Do you get it now? Good. So do not look for perfection in yourself tomorrow. See it where it exists, which is your reflection in the mirror today.

Sending you love this day and always. 
LeeZa Donatella

Links of items I enjoy, that you may find useful 
Berkey Water Filter  The only filter I've found that removes fluoride from drinking water. We filter fluoride from our drinking water to decalcify our pineal gland to connect to increase our spiritual awareness. (article on the Pineal Gland)
Spiritual Guide Incense I love this incense that gets me into the zone. 
My Books Available on Amazon

Other authors books that have helped me on my journey.
The Four Agreements by don Miguel Ruiz
The Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield
The Essential Rumi  by Jalal al-Din Rumi

Leeza Donatella is an author, speaker and teacher