Today's post is about staying the course and the little triumphs along the way. I received a notification that Spiritual Spew was selected as a winner in a recent blogging contest by BlogUpp. I did not even enter, but apparently, BlogUpp who has tons and tons of blogs that use their service scanned the ones that had something nice to say about Valentine's day and love. Blogupp Contest Winners
I have to admit that I was unaware that this was going on as I wrote my usual words about Love and Consciousness. When they contacted me and told me that I was one of their winners, a small tear came to my eye. When I looked at their site and saw Spiritual Spew listed as numero uno, I smiled, knowing that my words of love and encouragement have been noticed.
I write this blog because of love and service. If my readers can relate their situations to my experiences and thoughts as I laugh at myself and reveal my mistakes and challenges and it helps 1 person out of a 1000 then it's worth it. We are all here to help each other and this is part of my contribution.
So my message to you today is this. If your message is peace and love and service, or you have a dream or idea that serves others in some way, then keep at it. You WILL see small rewards along your path.
Blessings and Love to you this day and always,
LeeZa Donatella
PS - I LOVE questions, so please keep them coming! I answer every one and depending on the topic, add them to a question and answer section at the bottom of each article. There are no stupid questions, just unasked ones. We are all here to help each other. Open your heart and share your question. You just may be helping another by asking it.
To shy to post a comment. That's okay. email me.