Intimacy or In To Me See

I woke up this morning and was reading a posting from a fellow spiritual traveler, a bright loving soul looking for peace on their journey of spiritual discovery. The post was centered on recognizing their own frustration and judgment of people who come into their space that are in desperate need of love, care and attention, starved for someone to see and hear them. But my dear, you ARE seeing and hearing them; perhaps that's your role in serving humanity. 

We are all at times in need of being seen and heard, feeling alone even in a crowd or at a big family gathering. IN-TO-ME-SEE is an invitation from one being to another to connect. Intimacy (in-to-me-see) is the sharing of oneself with another; not necessarily the sharing of two physical bodies, but sharing your thoughts, 'in-sights' and perhaps even your soul. 

It is a courageous act when we are intimate with another, letting down our guard and discarding our masks as we show our vulnerability. Why do you think I write this blog, inspired by my interaction with others as I put myself out there, my faults and slide-backs as well as my insights. I'm not perfect and try my best to let go of the fear of hiding that fact in order to serve and share the love within me.  

By sharing your story with another you are inviting them in. I feel sorry for those you can't, pretending to be something else, walls built high, impenetrable, hiding behind the ornate mask that they have created; robots moving along in their homogenized mocha cappuccino world, blind to the ALL that is around them.

My friend was frustrated by the 'oversharing' of some recent fellow seekers of truth, instead of viewing it as the opportunity to share the love within themselves with others or better yet see the love in the people they meet. Perhaps it's time that we all see the love in each other and know that intimate loving relationship with the most important being in your life....YOU. 


Wishing you a delicious love of self,
LeeZa Donatella
Website: Leeza Donatella