Sometimes you have to Close Your Eyes to see the Light

This statement is typically used metaphorically; close your eyes and see the light, which means that when you look without your eyes, the answer comes to you.  It's a true statement that we get answers when we take time to reflect. Today, though, I'm referring to literally closing your eyes and seeing light.

For decades when I close my eyes in the evening to go to sleep, in about 5 minutes in the total darkness with eyes closed, I would begin to see what I can only describe as golden light, sunshine brighter than the sun. 'What the heck is this,'I kept thinking? 'Am I dreaming about sunshine?  

I guessed not since this was happening to me five nights out of seven.  I asked my mother and she would just tell me to concentrate on a black piece of paper to go to sleep. Later in life, I would ask my partners. “Do you see sunshine when you close your eyes?” They all just shot me a look as if I was crazy or say something like "No, that's not normal."  I would just shrug my shoulders not finding the answers I was seeking on the topic as I went my merry way and dismissed it as the beginning of dreaming.  

At other times I would catch myself, saying “way cool” as I would start to see it when in a state of calm and bliss with heightened senses. I finally after all this time got a glimpse of the answer to what I was experiencing. It was one day in early December 2012 and I was attending a Christ Consciousness class where the minister explained that when we see bright glowing light in meditation, we are seeing Archangel Michael’s burning sword guarding the gates of Eden and if you enter those gates you in front of God. Guarded by Archangel Michael? Well that's certainly one way to look at it and no offense Archangel Michael, but I think you have better things to do then guard Eden from the likes of me. 
When I heard this definition, however, at least I knew that I was no longer alone in what I was experiencing. I had finally found someone else who was experiencing the same thing and getting closer to a definition that perhaps I could wrap my head around.

Since then, I have spent countless hours in silence to come to this conclusion. What I have come to understand is that when we see light when we close our eyes in total darkness that the light is our connection to the Divine, our higher divine self, our Source, God. Call it what you like,I do not judge; it doesn't change the meaning.

When we get more attuned in the physical body and our vibration and consciousness increases, we connect to what some call our higher Divine self, God, Spirit. I know that when I am connected I feel that connection through the skin and senses in my body. why not see it as well.
I'm sharing this with you today in the off chance that you too are seeing sustained bright golden light when you close your eyes in total darkness. If you are, then know that you're not alone and it's perhaps the beginning of your awakening to the doorway to your connection to the source, God which is pure unconditional love within you connecting to that loving force that's all around us.
Wishing you a day filled with Love,

LeeZa Donatella
Author and Inspirational Speaker
Books  (Smudging for Beginners, The State of Being Love) on Amazon