For those who have already read the first blogs about John
of god. John of God - Series 1 and John
of God – Series 2, today's blog is a continuation of the series based on my
personal experience as a first timer visit to the Casa. Of course, as other
visitors, by the end of my stay I was no longer a novice. I will not rehash much of the prior posts, but
jump right back to Wednesday morning in the first timers line.
This experience is pretty interesting I thought to myself
while I looked around the main hall to see people on crutches, in wheelchairs,
with canes, coke bottle glasses or blind walking canes. There were people of
all ages from the very young being cradled in their arms of their parents to
the very old, all dressed in white as is strongly suggested by the rules of the
Casa. And the energy n the hall was calm and peaceful. It was nothing like I
imagined with hundreds in a single space. Back in the states, I would never pick
up such a calm energy from such a large group of people.

As a first timer, I had my intentions written on the slip of paper, they were translated to Portuguese, and I waited in the main hall of the Casa for my queue to be called. The queue of folks that would sit in the current rooms, were already in the rooms in prayer and meditation for what seemed to be a long time now. I would find out later that there were other things going on in the rooms prior to the first timers seeing John and will discuss these in future posts in this series. I had no idea what to expect, so I tried to keep my expectations to a minimum and not channel spirit for answers and just go with the flow. For those who do not personally know me, I tend to get pictures of what is to be, so surprising me is not easy.

As a first timer, I had my intentions written on the slip of paper, they were translated to Portuguese, and I waited in the main hall of the Casa for my queue to be called. The queue of folks that would sit in the current rooms, were already in the rooms in prayer and meditation for what seemed to be a long time now. I would find out later that there were other things going on in the rooms prior to the first timers seeing John and will discuss these in future posts in this series. I had no idea what to expect, so I tried to keep my expectations to a minimum and not channel spirit for answers and just go with the flow. For those who do not personally know me, I tend to get pictures of what is to be, so surprising me is not easy.
The first timers were finally asked to line up. Anyone in a
wheel chair or who needed special assistance was brought to the front of the
line. We were instructed to be silent as the door to
the rooms leading to John was opened with attendants allowing a dozen or so
people entry before closing them again. I
was at the back of the line, which permitted me to see all unfolding in front
of me. The queue slowly moved forward as more people entered. It was about 30
minutes from the time we were asked to line up until I entered the first of the
current rooms. It was warm and humid with the only sound being fans placed in
strategic points. Rows of pew like benches filled both sides of this first room
with not an inch of wood showing as each bench was completely filled with
people dressed in white, eyes closed, in silent prayer or mediation.
I glanced left and right to see painful expressions
in the faces of the rooms inhabitants, most likely from sitting for such a long
time, and remembered that not everyone is accustomed to long periods of
meditation. The line made a sharp left turn as we entered
what is called the medium room, where John is located. The energy in this room
was more condensed, thicker in some way.
I could now see John from where I was standing and his face as puffy and
bloated. He did not look like his pictures, and my first thought was, gee how
old were these pictures that he has changed that much.

Finally I thought, as I handed my slip of paper to the attendant.
As mentioned in prior posts, I asked for items that would increase my consciousness.
John touched my hand, whispered something to the attendant and I was provided
with verbal and written instructions and ushered off to the next room. My
instructions were to purchase the passion flower herbs and sit in the current
room for the rest of the weeks sessions with “surgery” scheduled on the Friday afternoon
session. As I exited the room, I passed through
one of the surgery rooms, then out into the courtyard where the people who had
surgery or seen John that session were already enjoying the spiritual soup the
Casa offers to its visitors. A pleasant faced local woman, not at all like the
soup Nazi from Seinfeld, handed me a bowl from the serving window and I found
an open place as one of the many tables in the courtyard. I enjoyed the
vegetable soup and stories from my fellow table mates on why they were here in
Abadiânia and the stages of their healing.
After my meal I found the “pharmacy” where they dispensed the passion
flower herbs and returned to my posada for some quiet contemplation prior to
the 2 pm session where I would be sitting in the current room.
My next post
will discuss some of the interesting lessons and divine intervention, I
encountered in these rooms.
My Book about visiting John of God is now available on Amazon
Links of items I enjoy, that you may find useful
Berkey Water Filter The only filter I've found that removes fluoride from drinking water. We filter fluoride from our drinking water to decalcify our pineal gland to connect to increase our spiritual awareness. (article on the Pineal Gland)
Spiritual Guide Incense I love this incense that gets me into the zone.
Other authors books that have helped me on my journey.
The Four Agreements by don Miguel Ruiz
The Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield
The Essential Rumi by Jalal al-Din Rumi
Carlos Castaneda's books
Leeza Donatella is an author, speaker and teacher