Some people believe that all setbacks are catastrophic, when really they are just the universe helping you fine tune our plan. helping you see it from a different angle.
Any setback is really just a small blip in the universal scheme of things. I just depends on how you look at it and how you react. Remember, the only thing that we have control over is our reaction.
You know the saying when life hands you lemons, make lemonade. So if you're going to make lemonade you should make the most delicious, sweetest lemonade that anyone has every tasted.
Have a day full of deliciousness,
LeeZa Donatella
Twitter: @leezadonatella
Blog: Spiritual Spew
PS - I LOVE questions, so please keep them coming! I am answer every one and add the new ones to the question and answer section in this article. There are no stupid questions, just unasked ones. We are all here to help each other. Open your heart and share your question. You just may be helping another by asking it. Too shy to post a comment. That's me.