July 4, 2014 Independence Day

Happy 4th of July, 2014. Yes, it's a federal holiday and most of us have a day off from work. And yes, there are fireworks in celebration of this day. Perhaps you'll have a Bar-B-Que, a picnic and share this time with family and friends. All that is great, but as we celebrate this day in the US,  I wanted to ensure that you remember what this day means.  On this date, over 200 years ago, on July 4, 1776, the ~56 men representing the 13 colonies (what we now know as congress), adopted the motion to declare independence (freedom) from the Kingdom of Great Britain.  

It was then that Americans stood up for the right to freedoms like religion and speech. Although things in the US are not perfect, they are better than some countries, where being able to speak your mind or practice your brand of worship are outlawed. ( I'm not going to split hairs with you today, so don't threaten the US government on Facebook, alright?)

I think you get the picture though, that this day represents standing up and saying no more to tyranny and oppression. It was for our forefathers, like Benjamin Franklin, John Adams and John Hancock. Perhaps it's time for you to say enough to that person who has been less than kind to you in some way and value yourself more, or express your independence from a bad situation, belief or thought process. 

It is no coincidence that you pay tribute this day to one of the signers of this declaration of independence, Samuel Adams, when you lift up that beer that bares his name and toast with your friends.  

We have a long way to go, for sure as we all become more aware of our thoughts and actions toward ourselves and others and move a step closer toward enlightenment. 

Wishing you a day filled with great possibilities for independence,
LeeZa Donatella

PS - I LOVE questions, so please keep them coming! I answer every one and depending on the topic, add them to a question and answer section at the bottom of each article. There are no stupid questions, just unasked ones. We are all here to help each other.  Open your heart and share your question. You just may be helping another by asking it. Too shy to post a comment. That's okay, email me.