FIFA World Cup 2014

My last evening in Sao Paulo was full of energy. And no wonder with it being just a few days from the beginning of the FIFA World Cup and fans piling into every hotel around. The green and yellow are flying everywhere as flags are hung from every balcony and displayed as huge hood ornamentson many vehicles. Shops are full of the green and yellow as people purchase noise makers, funny hats, streamers and shirts. I have to admit that I got a little caught up in the moment myself, knowing that this event is to be savored, so I broke down and purchased a shirt or two.  

With each day that passes, the hotel gets louder and louder, fans busting at the seams. And it has begun; people have started to paint their faces as well.

I’m almost glad to be leaving this area knowing that it will be a sheer madhouse here in another day or so.  On a positive note, it has given me the opportunity to converse with many English speaking fans from all over the world, 90% of them men. I have received several compliments, as well as a couple of interesting proposals that I laughed at and shrugged off, considering the 20-something’s that they came from.

The town is buzzing with anticipation of a great time while I am buzzing with the anticipation to be in my next place of quiet and serenity.   

My hope and wish for all these fans is that their team wins!

Wishing you a day filled with Love,
LeeZa Donatella

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