Donatella and Clooney, Rivalry or Partnership? Expert practical jokesters teaming up for future pranks? Is it true that LeeZa Donatella and George Clooney met at his San Jose del Cabo, Mexico estate in February 2014 to discuss teaming up on future pranks?
Although I often talk about kicking back with George, beer in hand as we compare the holes in our jeans and drop our lines into Sea of Cortez by the arch, that’s also not what I am referring to today. For those of you who been living under a rock, George is quite the practical jokester and his cat box story rivals some of my meticulously planned masterpieces from the 80’s and early 90’s in New York City.
I miss those days of my youth where one took the time to really plan out a well-orchestrated prank, and admit that there's no bad time of year to play one. George has the right idea, instigating humor, allowing people to laugh out loud at themselves and their situations as evidenced by his recent Matt Damon, Amy Poehler and Tina Fey prank.
"I have no interest in any rivalry with Mr. Clooney, however some of my pranks centered on prophylactics, enlarger ads, and Xerox machines that I've orchestrated were brilliant." As a matter of fact I admire George’s style of joke playing, always performed in good fun, with no one getting hurt as he has, on occasion, pushed the envelope where most others would have stopped. Now that’s my kind of prank. I was thinking this morning that I won’t mind combining talents with Mr. Clooney on his next practical joke idea.
So George, this ex-technology VP, ex-mensa, 19 year old undergraduate in mathematics, author, humanitarian and spiritualist, with a damn good mind for the practical joke is ready to discuss a partnership on your next prank. I can only imagine what could come from such a collaboration.
Or maybe, George, I'm already working with Matt, Amy and Tina?
Wishing you a day filled with delicious laughter, jokes and good clean fun from your personal eat pray love girl,
LeeZa Donatella
Sites: www.leezadonatella,com
Travel Awakenings
YouTube Channel
Although I often talk about kicking back with George, beer in hand as we compare the holes in our jeans and drop our lines into Sea of Cortez by the arch, that’s also not what I am referring to today. For those of you who been living under a rock, George is quite the practical jokester and his cat box story rivals some of my meticulously planned masterpieces from the 80’s and early 90’s in New York City.
I miss those days of my youth where one took the time to really plan out a well-orchestrated prank, and admit that there's no bad time of year to play one. George has the right idea, instigating humor, allowing people to laugh out loud at themselves and their situations as evidenced by his recent Matt Damon, Amy Poehler and Tina Fey prank.
"I have no interest in any rivalry with Mr. Clooney, however some of my pranks centered on prophylactics, enlarger ads, and Xerox machines that I've orchestrated were brilliant." As a matter of fact I admire George’s style of joke playing, always performed in good fun, with no one getting hurt as he has, on occasion, pushed the envelope where most others would have stopped. Now that’s my kind of prank. I was thinking this morning that I won’t mind combining talents with Mr. Clooney on his next practical joke idea.
So George, this ex-technology VP, ex-mensa, 19 year old undergraduate in mathematics, author, humanitarian and spiritualist, with a damn good mind for the practical joke is ready to discuss a partnership on your next prank. I can only imagine what could come from such a collaboration.
Or maybe, George, I'm already working with Matt, Amy and Tina?
Wishing you a day filled with delicious laughter, jokes and good clean fun from your personal eat pray love girl,
LeeZa Donatella
Sites: www.leezadonatella,com
Travel Awakenings