I was listening to a friend as she ways her options on the next direction in her life. As of late, most of the time from one day to the next, I have no idea what I will be doing, where I will be going and who I will be helping. That is little consolation when speaking to someone who is set in their ways, has lived in the same place for many years or has been in the same job.
I took that leap of faith off that cliff in February 2013 when I left the corporate world behind, along with that cushy 6 figure income to follow my passion of writing and devoting my life to helping others. It was not an easy decision and I have given up a lot in order to do it, including the comforts that my prior life afforded me.
So was walking away from a lucrative successful career as I walk the path of enlightenment worth it? Am I happier? You bet ya! I am also thinner, look younger (much younger than I did 2 years ago), and I am healthier, coming off the handful of medications my old stressful live included. Amazing what following your passion does for you!
I have learned that greatness is not measured by that prestigious job, what you own, where you live or drive or the label in the clothes you wear. It is measured by the love in your heart that you share with others when you follow your passion.
Wishing you a day filled with blessings and love,
LeeZa Donatella
LeeZa Donatella
PS - I LOVE questions, so please keep them coming! I answer every one and depending on the topic, add them to a question and answer section at the bottom of each article. There are no stupid questions, just unasked ones. We are all here to help each other. Open your heart and share your question. You just may be helping another by asking it. To shy to post a comment. That's okay, email me.