I am not sure that you can understand the true value of enough
until you experience it. Once you experience enough, lack fades from existence.
They say that money alone does not bring happiness. We see this in rich people who commit suicide. Money can provide a temporary distraction and high during the time of using it, but unless you are already filled with the spiritual elixir that most of us seek that feeling will soon fade. Do not be confused, because I am not one of those persons who believes that in order to be spiritual you need to have no money…. no, no, no. As I dissect money for you, it is just currency, like an electric current or a river current it flows. Money is but a unit of energy, an exchange to someone for something. That is it. People who do not get this concept seem to be so hung up on money or the lack of money that it screws them up. Oh my what a cluster that is!
We are not defined by the amount of cash in our bank accounts, the car we purchase or how much bling we can afford. Yes it is nice to have money, but knowing what enough is eliminates the feeling of lack and opens us up to bigger things.
Each person measures enough differently. In monetary terms for some it is $1,000, others 1 million and for still others the feeling of lack does not fade, no matter how much money they have. They never get to enough. I had someone in my life for many years who was in the latter category and showed me what it looks like to continually live in lack. The problem is that when you live in lack you attract lack.
My message to you today is not to be corrupted by the money bestowed you. No matter how much you have do not live in lack, but always live as if it is enough. Enough to have money in excess of what you need. Do not be greedy, but share it. I am sure that you have a local church or community center in your area that has a program for helping others that would so appreciate your donation. It could be a dollar that makes the difference between someone eating that day or not. The joy felt within will out weigh feelings of lack as you learn the meaning of enough.
Wishing you a day filled with Love,
LeeZa Donatella
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