Bless the situations where you realize that you are not perfect; They still show you the way back home.

Have you ever had one of those days when you lose your temper, and as soon as you finished spewing those harsh words you wanted to retract them and smack yourself in the forehead?  That was my yesterday morning. I was faced with what I can only say was in incredibly unfair situation and handled it just like a three year old. Okay, perhaps there was no kicking and screaming, but my voice was elevated and my words did not align with the spiritual being that I am trying to be. And afterward, I felt like crawling under a rock or taking out the whipping stick and giving myself 50 lashes. I lost my temper and took it out on someone who did not make the rules but was just trying to do their job.   
So what did I learn from the situation beside, think and breathe before reacting? First, I did not beat myself up too badly in the guilt department, but l it took me a couple of hours afterward in thought and meditation with some chanting around Sedona’s Stupa to process why I reacted the way that I did, identifying the triggers, and where the reaction was really coming from so I could process it, bless it, kiss it on its butt then kick it to the curb.

So I guess I have to thank the universe for the blessing bestowed on me today so I could see that there was something there that I needed to resolve. Actually, since I realized my deviation from the path almost simultaneously to the situation, perhaps it really was not a bad day at all. I got to fix something that was broken and get it out of the way today that could have come to bite me in the butt at a most inopportune time in the future.  So thank you to the God within me for showing me how to quickly identify, process and release. Future reactions to the similar situations will no longer effect me in this manner.

And the moral of the story is this:
Bless the situations where you realize that you are not perfect;
They still show you the way back home.

Have a day filled with Love,

LeeZa Donatella