Update added August 20, 2013
I was going through a divorce when I first considered moving to Sedona in mid 2012. Originally from New York and spending 5 years in Washington DC before moving to the Phoenix area, I had never lived in a small town. Yes, Sedona is crowded, and even though there can be over 20,000 in a given day in town, most are tourists. There are but a few thousand locals that call this city their home. There is much less night life, and no large package or department stores. When talking to a friend in Phoenix who lived in Sedona for a couple of years he referred to it as “Slow-Down-a.” I was also told that when you move to Sedona that it will either welcome you or chew you up and spit you out. I was not really sure what that meant, but it was further explained that many obstacles would be put in front of me if I was not supposed to be here and if I am welcomed, doors would open and I would feel embraced.
I considered all these factors carefully before making my move. I guess I was one of the lucky ones as I walked into the sight unseen 6 month furnished accommodations I had rented to find a carbon copy of my parents place from a decade ago, decorated in same southwest flare, right down to their 70’s pink arm chair. Not my taste, but it was familiar and put me at ease. And the people, oh my, what a blessing it is to meet so many nice and welcoming souls. I also found it easy to make new incredible friends and found a great church with a minister who really gets it. I started to feel great again and knew that this was surely going to be a great place to heal.
What I was not told was that Sedona is also a place whose energies help you face and process every single issue that you have ever encountered in your life that you have not yet processed and released. So, moving to Sedona was certainly not for the faint of heart regardless of the fact that I was welcomed. You got to want to deal with your stuff, all of it and be ready to transform. At least that has been my experience. And this stuff, guys and gals is not fluffy and pretty, but can feel as if the universe is lobbing fireballs that you have to hit with a wooden bat. I am a very strong woman with an even stronger New York crust. At first it was difficult for me as I felt like a personal failure, healing from the loss of a relationship and there were times that I did not want to get out of bed. In the beginning I would say to myself, “You have to be flipping kidding me” as some days I was reminded of two or three additional yet to be processed issues. With time I realized that it was okay to ask others for help. I was not alone. I was connected to a large spiritual network so I ventured out to see if I could glean some answers that would assist me. I discovered that the answers were within and all around me through divine contacts. All that I needed to do was to surrender and accept to gain access to them. In time I was able to get up, brush myself off and face life head on again. I was shown a way to connect to the true loving being that I am, as well as learning to look at things differently. I was humbled for the first time as I was starting to go with the flow. With each past unprocessed issue that I would encounter, I stopped, recognized and said to myself “ah, yes, I know what you are.”I acknowledged it, processed it, forgave, then blessed and released it. I used to call myself the toasted marshmallow, crusty on the outside with softness hidden in the middle and was a master of hard facades. And now, the crust is almost gone and I am softer and real.
Apologies, but I
usually get to the message in my blog posts much faster than I have today s here it is in a nutshell!.
With 12/21/12 vibrations are quickening and so is our processing of any issues that are vibrating in frequencies that are "contrasting" to positive ones. If you are ready to make a positive move forward, surrender remember that you are not alone and it is okay to reach out for help. When we surrender ourselves to our one God source, what I call the Mack-Daddy energy of the universe, we are connected to the information or people we need to help us recognize the issue, process it, forgive and bless it and release it. Once we do that we feel lighter, free, more loving and connected to source. We remember who we really are and find our way back home.
Please share this with anyone you think can benefit from the truth shared today if you think it will help them. With 12/21/12 vibrations are quickening and so is our processing of any issues that are vibrating in frequencies that are "contrasting" to positive ones. If you are ready to make a positive move forward, surrender remember that you are not alone and it is okay to reach out for help. When we surrender ourselves to our one God source, what I call the Mack-Daddy energy of the universe, we are connected to the information or people we need to help us recognize the issue, process it, forgive and bless it and release it. Once we do that we feel lighter, free, more loving and connected to source. We remember who we really are and find our way back home.
Many thanks and so much gratitude to Michael, Liz and Lori and to my fellow Sedonian’s for your patience as I found my way back to the Loving being that I am.
Have a day filled with Love,
LeeZa Donatella
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LeeZa Donatella
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